Monday 8 June 2009

new life : concentrate to my future :)

i couldn't go back. so i got to go on. my PAST is NOT really IMPORTANT anymore. my PRESENT is QUITE IMPORTANT. and my FUTURE is the MOST IMPORTANT.
by Dinda :P

yahaaa! that's my plan: make plans for my future. what will i be in the future? it depends on what i did, what i do, and what i will do.

. yes i will.

i want to be a journalist, that's why i always try to write good articles more and more each day.
learn some languages. and of course that's why i'm taking journalism course in Faculty of Communication Science a.k.a Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (FIKOM) Padjadjaran University :D

i want to be a tough girl, that's why i still feel OK now even though i am a SINGLE GIRL now. i don't care about boys now. i'm still young. haha. insya Allah i still have many times for that stuff. hihihi.

single. hihi.

i want to be a great photographer, that's why i bought a DSLR camera and a tripod and a tele lens and coming soon a flash light. haha :D

i want
to be
in the heaven in the next life, that's why i always pray to Allah :)

yea yea yea. living in this world is not easy. i got and now i'm having so many problems. but as long as i think positively and pray to God and try to be better, i bet it'll be OK. hehe.
actually i don't know what i'm talking about now. i don't know why i write this post. i don't know how can i create those words.
actually at the end i just wa
nt to tell you that

ain't i? haha.

yeah, that's it all :)

Auf Wiedersehen! :D


  1. mohon maaf atas keanehan di atas. semoga Anda maklum adanya. terima kasih, thank you, danke.
